Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Some Random-ness

I am trying to get a few ideas of themed posts to participate in on my blog weekly or something like that. So here are some of my ideas that I may participate in from time to time.

  • PhotoHunters I've seen Julia over at My Adventures And Antics participate in this from time to time and I really think it would be fun.

  • Here's an activity that I like but it doesn't really have a name, it's where I post a theme and we all post 12 items in that 'catagory' It has to be 12 items that somehow fit into that catagory, get it? We'll call it 'A Themed Dozen'.

  • OH and here is a good one! It is called 'Loaded Questions'. It is where I post 4 questions for you all to answer and the first one is a hypothetical question, the second one is an 'anything - goes' question, the third one is a 'no-brainer' question and the last one is a personal question. I think I am liking this one.

  • Question Of The Day is a good one. That one is always fun!

  • 'Five For Friday' Where I ask 5 interesting questions.

Okay do you notice a questions theme, weird huh.


Anonymous said...

I can never keep up with the themed posts ... but so many bloggers love them! Good luck in deciding!

Anonymous said...

Great new look! I'll update right now!

Stephanie said...

Chelle, yeah it gets tought when you get to many. Like me, when i had one for everyday of the week. I was looking my mojo. It felt like I was only blogging because I had to do something for that day so I wasn't able to blog about MY life, so I stopped, but if I do a few that it should be okay.

Deb, thanks!

Violet said...

well of course the photohunt sounds so exciting to me!!

Anonymous said...

THe photo hunt is fun, though it is hard to visit the entire list anymore - I think she is up to 300 participants, so I happily post my photo and visit a few friends - I just don't have time to do many.

Your ideas sound fun. Sorry I haven't been around in a while - feeling a little under the weather. :-) Oh, and thank you so much for the card! :-)