Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Not How I Planned It

Well this was supposed to be a "Wordless Wednesday' but I had to say a few things as well. But hey I have a picture, a funny picture at that, so you can't be mad at me right?

Anyways, I think I've finally figured out why I don't really feel like blogging lately. I think it's because I don't feel like I have very much to say. My husband and I lead very normal, uneventful lives and we don't have kids yet. We haven't even gotten pregnant yet, so I feel like I am boring and that I am saying the same things over and over and over. It gets quite irritating if you ask me. This realization is making me kind of depressed because I absolutely LOVE blogging and I love writing things about my life but for some reason I just can't think of things to say. I think that is also the reason that I've been trying to keep up with my themed posts. So anyways, I will try to get my head out of my butt and think of things to say.

Here are some more funny pictures of my King:


Anonymous said...

I get that. Just blog about whatever you want - we'll still read!

Anonymous said...

HUGS! Life can seem like there is not a lot of excitement ... things will change, they always do :)

Stephanie said...

Nicole, thanks.. sometimes you are just like a BIG warm hug! :)

Chelle, Thanks You always find a way to lift my spirits!

Anonymous said...

I have 4 kids and still can't think of things to write about sometimes - seriously.... which is a large part of the reason my bloggin has been so sparatic of late.

Great pics! :) Sending hugs...

Anonymous said...

You're far from boring, my dear.

Stephanie said...

goofy, LOL! Yeah I just feel like vanilla. Thank you for the nice hugs!

Deb, aww thanks hun!

Damselfly said...

He's a ham!

You know, many times it's not what you say, but how you say it....