Good & Bad News
Well we went back for our scheduled ultrasound to see if the cyst is still there and here is the bad news. It is. By the way, the picture to my left is NOT mine, but it is what an ovarian cyst looks like on ultrasound. Although mine wasn't quite that big, it was close.
Here is the good news. It's hasn't gone down in size, and it hasn't gone up in size. It has also shown up on every ultrasound that I've had so it leads the dr's to believe that it is a cyst that I was born with, which is completely harmless, and it will be there forever. We are now able to start over with another cycle of Clomid, another week of ovulation predictor kits, another shot of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin, in the butt, another IUI procedure, and another two weeks of waiting.
But we are happy to admit that it will go a bit quicker and a bit more planned this time around. The cycle before last, my body wasn't ovulating on it's own, usually I ovulate on cycle day 13-14 and I went all the way to cycle day 16-17 without ovulating which is what caused my follicles to become so large and kind of old. This time around I am going in on CD 12 for an ultrasound to see if my follicles are ready and then if they are, they will give me my HCG shot, to make me ovulate, then I will be back the next day for my IUI. So wish us luck, say a prayer, and hope that everything goes as planned and we are able to get pregnant this time around.
ADDITION: I also forgot to add that they were able to seperate my cyst from my ovary, using manual manipulation, aka jabbing their hand into my gut and jabbing the ultrasound probe into my 'area'. But she said that it was GREAT news and that all was well.
sorry the cyst is still there, but glad to hear they are giving the go ahead to try again this cycle! You're in my prayers!
Ooo sending you many many baby making vibes!!!
That sucks, but I'm glad you get to try again!
Sorry to hear about the cyst. I hope everything works out for you. You're in my prayers.
An Island Life
Hey Steph~
Well good luck this time around, I will say lots and lots of prayers for you. You both deserve a little bean more than anything. I can't wait for the good news. Great website by the way, I love this so much more than the other one. :) Luv ya girly~!
Sorry you cyst is still there, but I am glad that they were able to separate it, that it hadn't grown and that they are going to give it a shot again this cycle! I am sending out all the **baby-making vibes** I have!
I hope things go well this time around - saying a prayer! :)
Wow, that's something. I truly hope the cyst isn't something to worry about too much. The jabbing, the shots, the doctory stuff -- you are so brave!
I wish you and hubby the best this time around! I'll be praying for you all!
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